Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Hi guys, so it seems emotions are running high at the moment thanks to The Cove. And I'm pretty sure those feelings are warranted, I've not watched the movie but I've read up a lot on the issue and looked at gruesome pictures of whales and dolphins getting massacred and as a result felt so many things, from disbelief to anger to sadness and most of all, helplessness.

Oftentimes though, I wonder if in the midst off all these "let's save the world" crusades we embark on, we are actually unaware of how we can sometimes overreact. With one of the exceptions being the unnecessary dolphin killings, some so-called causes are just puzzling to me and the organizations which promote them can be downright...what's the word....oh yeah, INSANE.

Let's look at PETA for example. I think wearing fur is disgusting and people who purchase fur coats, at the same time knowing HOW the fur is obtained make me sick. But does this make throwing flour at said people, cussing at them and basically humiliating them justifiable? I don't know, but it does make PETA look like assholes themselves and like Chels mentioned two posts below, you only get your 5 min in the spotlight and then it's over. People even forget what the hell it was you were trying to promote.

As someone who's had people question some of my personal beliefs before, I find it very aggravating when people try to feed me their ideas, hoping that I'd conform to them and at the same time try to make me feel guilty about the way I'm living. It especially grates my nerves when people think they're somehow better than you because of their beliefs. Sorry to break it to you, but there is such a thing as mutual respect and understanding of someone who decides to believe in something different from you. If something about what the person does really bother you, I think there's a way to talk it out with this person, have discussions, go out for coffee! God knows this world needs more friendly, healthy relationships more than ever.

So I guess what all this blabbering concludes to, is that we need to find a way to encourage people to care about our planet without destroying the relationships we have with one another.

With that said, I also think that we, as dwellers of this magnificent place called Earth, could be more passionate about certain issues which directly affect us. And as humans, we can actually speak for those poor animals who don't have the means to voice out how they, as citizens of the same planet, feel and hurt. This is where I'm glad you guys come in :) I love this blog!

Before I go off, I want to share this hilarious video. It kinda pokes fun at the whole "let's go green" mentality some people are obsessed about. I think this reminds us that we might have the best intentions in promoting our causes, but sometimes we just need to freakin' CHILL.


p.s.: i miss julia stiles. i shall go watch 10 things i hate about you now.

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