Sunday, August 30, 2009


like MJ sang "heal the world, make it a better place for YOU and for ME and the ENTIRE HUMAN RACE. there are people dying, if you care enough for the living, make it a better place for YOU and for ME." i wanna make a difference, i wanna stop human trafficking, i wanna stop unfair human labour, i wanna stop poverty and hunger. i wanna find someway to help. but sometimes, we just feel helpless and it feels like shit.

i wish i had a billion dollars...the slums in india will be gone, the water in africa will be clean and children wouldnt have to die from hunger everyday. you might say money is rubbish, but really, how else can you get bricks to build your house and where else can you get the seeds to grow your food?


Saturday, August 8, 2009

"men are the cause of all these."

I recently saw a trailer for a new wildlife docu on tv and many such trailers just loveeee to throw in lines like the above subject to make us humans look soo terrible. shark finning, whaling, illegal wildlife trade, humans are the cause of it. True, WE are the main reason why our animals are dying, why our weather is changing but i hate it when we make our world and our human race look so bad, really sad actually. Because, for every tree that is felled, there is at least 1 person fighting to save that tree, for every animal that is hurt, there is at least 1 person helping to rescue it. WE may be the cause of all trouble, but WE are the only ones who can save ourselves and everything else. why do we make ourselves sound so bad? why do we always look at the people who doesn't give up their seats in the train? why do we have animal rescue organisations? or animal police? why do we have scientists and doctors who try to save the world from a flu epidemic? we are the cause, but we are also good people. (well..lets hope we dont think ourselves TOO GOOD. haha!)

ok folks, just a thought which had been hanging on my mind for awhile..(whenever people complain about human fault etc...)

ok good night everyone! LOVES! I LOVE OUR BLOG! haha!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Wassup homiez (forgive me, it's 8 in the morning and I can't get back to sleep)!

Just wanted to share this awesome video with you peeps. It was directed by the late Heath Ledger and is meant to raise awareness to the whole illegal commercial whaling taking place in his native Australia. Proceeds from the iTunes video downloads of the "King Rat" video will go toward Sea Shepherd Conservation Society; they're an international non-profit marine wildlife conservation organization. And since Singapore is lame and doesn't have iTunes, you can actually visit the website to make a donation or even volunteer your time.

The video itself is really interesting. Dancing whales smoking cigars? Awesome, yet disturbing at the same time. The press release by the band has more details on how the video came about and also the message behind it.

We all know Heath was a cool guy, but this definitely asserts the point. And damn it, I miss him :(

Alrighty then, have a good National Day weekend everyone.

Hungry and in need of sleep,
